For those under 18:

You'll be an adult soon enough, so why rush it? Enjoy your childhood and teenage years. As a alternative to what we offer on our site, we've found some very interesting Internet sites that you can check out. You can find a new passion, a possible career, or at least some help with your homework.

Learn how to create Web sites:
A Beginner's Guide to HTML .
Keep up with computer's Big Guns:
Microsoft .
Some top TV networks:
Arts & Entertainment Network
Discovery Channel
Museums online:
The Louvre
Smithsonian Institute
Syracuse U Art Media - Computer Graphics
Science and the Environment:
Museum of Science, Boston
Exploratorium, San Francisco
Planetary Society
Sierra Club
National Wildlife Federation
Check out some of the best science fiction sites:
SciFi Channel: The Dominion
Lewis Carroll
Anne McCaffrey's Pern
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Unofficial Highlander Archive Site
Our government at work:
The White House
The Senate
The House of Representatives
Thomas - US Congress
Democratic National Committee
Republican National Committee

Or how our government doesn't work:
Capitol Steps
Some interesting places to visit:
World Future Society
The Encyclopedia Mythica
The Internet Classics Archive
The Perseus Project

Or just look/search/browse around the Web:

This site last updated on February 3, 1998